Backyard Playground on the Cheap! How to Have an Amazing Playground for Under $100!
I have always wanted to have a kids ‘dream backyard’. Before social media sites, having a dream backyard meant you had to have a sizable budget. Now, you can have a backyard like mine for under $100! Yes, I have less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS invested in our backyard! Take a look at how I did it:

My husband is a Craigslist junkie! I often thought his obsession with searching this website was a little bonkers… that was, until he showed me the FREE section! Often, people are moving and unable to move the large play things (or have a husband who doesn’t want to.) Items most commonly found are wooden swing sets and trampolines. Try the following search terms:
“Free with pickup” “Free must pickup” “Curb Alert”

Freecycle (Yahoo & Facebook Groups):
I have never actually received anything from these groups. I have heard wonderful things from other people about them so I didn’t want to leave this option out for you. I was told “If you need something, post it on Freecycle and someone will help you find it or give it to you!” I think it is worth a shot so I have joined a few of these groups in my area and I’ve got my eyes and ears open for others.
Facebook Swip Swap Groups:
“My name is Victoria, and I am a swip swap addict!”
I saved the best for last! Yes, it is true. I am addicted to my Facebook Swip Swap groups. I try really hard not to be, but I am. I have found such great deals within these groups, it is hard to pass them by. Check out the picture below. It shows some of my great finds and the prices I paid for them. Some of these deals were so good I never gave my husband a chance to tell me no! Perfect condition Barbie Jeep for twenty bucks – “Um, yes please!”

How do you get in on the Swip Swap action? I start by searching Facebook using the following terms: “[city name] Swip Swap” or “Swap [city name]”
A Word of Caution:
Anytime you are dealing with people you don’t personally know, you need to use caution and protect yourself.
- NEVER pickup small items from someone’s home! Some items you have no choice but to pick them up from someone’s home, in those circumstances, take someone with you!
- ALWAYS meet in a public place!
- NEVER pickup alone or without telling someone where you are going, who you are meeting, what time you will be back!
- ALWAYS keep a cell phone on your person when swapping.
- WALK AWAY if someone makes you feel uncomfortable. Whether you start to feel uncomfortable during the chat, on the phone, or in the middle of a swap; if you don’t feel right, leave/cease immediately!
A friend of mine does all of her swapping at the front entrance to Target. I think this is very smart. It might take someone a few extra minutes, but I think this is a much safer solution.

I think it is important to have a fun backyard for your children to play in. Something that will keep them in the backyard and not wanting to leave that safety zone is important to me. Years ago, my backyard didn’t look this great and I had over $600 worth of toys back there! Now, I have less than $100 invested and my kids are never bored. You CAN have a great backyard without losing your wallet to get it! A cheap backyard play area can be done!
Enjoy your backyard with your kids! Get out there and start shopping – be cheap!
What is the BEST deal you have come
across on one of the above mentioned groups?
Wow, these are such great tips for creating an inexpensive backyard playground! I love going through the free section at Craigslist. While there is a lot of junk, I have found some really great things. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of paint or elbow grease & the item is pretty close to new! Thanks so much for these tips!
These are great tips for building a cheaper playground.
These are fantastic tips. I have used Craigslist and Freecycle and Facebook groups in the past.
Have never heard of these. Could be a good way to get cheap things.
I love what you’ve done with these used toys. You got everything at such good prices and made them look news.
Oh how fun! You got some great deals! I just started using a few of ours around me! I did get a great deal on a aquarium to help raise monarchs this summer!
A klds dream come true without emptying the wallet.