Enter to Win a $25 Visa Gift Card from TigerLight! US Only, Ends 12/20
Mommy’s Playbook is a BIG fan of TigerLight D.A.D.®! It’s an amazing defense alert device for teens and adults to protect themselves in an emergency, but there ARE situations when the D.A.D.® is more powerful, not allowed to be carried, or not as useful. First, I would never give my toddler a D.A.D.® to hold because, well, common sense says that a toddler or young child shouldn’t handle the defense alert device. Second, certain theme parks or centers may not allow you to carry the D.A.D.® within the park. Lastly, when your teen daughter or single loved one is on a date they don’t necessarily want to wear the D.A.D.® on their hand. So what should we do instead?
TigerLight recognized that their technology has some amazing features that would be great for everyone to use, AND in a new device, could be even more helpful in date rape situations! That’s where M.O.M.™ comes in! About the size of an Apple Watch with many fastening or carry options!… M.O.M.™ is for your baby carrier, toddler, young children, teenagers, single women, EVERYONE!
The M.O.M.™ is a secret, hidden, wearable Bluetooth/GPS safety alert device. Users wear the M.O.M.™ device in a discrete location and can activate it by tapping in an emergency situation. The M.O.M.™ is capable of alerting designated individuals/groups via app, text and email, AND all Crowd Alert™ app users. The alert is accompanied by a loud, distinct siren sound to deter attacker and alert others nearby.
Parents will love the Bluetooth/GPS functionality that will alert if their child gets separated from them. This is known as geo-fencing and with the M.O.M.™ it’s the easiest backup to help keep kids safe!
Are you a new parent with an infant or toddler? I’m sure you have read the horror stories of a parent accidentally leaving their child in the car. Another way you can use the M.O.M.™ is by using the Bluetooth/GPS functionality on your child’s infant carrier. The Crowd Alert™ app will alert YOU if that unimaginable mistake is made.
Why M.O.M.™ if I have a Cellphone?
“My kids and I have a phone as a backup in an emergency!” Absolutely, but your phone is the first thing an attacker is looking to separate you from or keep you from using. Stop what you are doing right now and try something for me. Look at the time. Now, go get your phone and try to open the 911 calling option. How long did it take you? Would you have been able to do that in an emergency where you were blindfolded, removed from where you are, held down, or under attack?
Not likely.
Instead, you, or your child even, can send an alert with M.O.M.™ in a specific tap (easy to do, but very unlikely to be done accidentally); without an attacker/abductor having a clue what you are doing!
New M.O.M.™ Program
Pay $1 now. Reserve the option to buy any quantity of M.O.M.’s during the first 48 hours of its product launch on Kickstarter or Indiegogo, ONLY $27.99 each. You will be notified, via the email you provide, of the day and time of the launch. You will have 48 hours to make your purchase at the exclusive price.—->Reserve your M.O.M.™ now!
Anyone who purchases a D.A.D. at $129.99 now until M.O.M.’s launch date, will receive a free M.O.M.™

$25 Visa Gift Card
The giveaway is open US Only, 18+
The giveaway ends 12/20 at 1159 pm est
Be sure to come back daily for more chances to win.
Mommy’s Playbook Giveaway Rules: This giveaway is Sponsored by TigerLight and hosted by Mommy’s Playbook. Victoria and/or Mommy’s Playbook, Participating bloggers, are not responsible for prize fulfillment. By entering this giveaway you are giving the giveaway host and/or event sponsor permission to retain your email address for future communication, you may choose to opt-out of such communications at any time. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by any social media outlet including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please contact Victoria (at) MommysPlaybook.com regarding any questions you have pertaining to this giveaway.
I have never been in a situation where I needed to defend myself thankfully
Yes, I have…Back in college, my friends and I were attacked on our way to a party, and a couple weeks later, we found out my friend had actually fractured his skull when he was punched 😦
I have definitely been in that kind of situation before.
Yes, sometimes when I go hiking, I see some strange people, and there have been times I had wished I had some sort of protection.
Yes, I was a victim of bullying years ago. I wish I would have been able to defend myself better.
Yes, when I go walking on a local trail I wish I had something to defend myself if needed.
Yes, when I was younger.
Thankfully I haven’t yet, but I would like to prepared if it didi
Years ago I did and took action. Stalker in college.
Fortunately I have never been in one of these situations yet.
Sadly, yes.
OMG yes I am having really bad sibling rivalry right now! UGHHHH
I’ve never been in that situation yet hope I never am 🏵
No I haven’t but i know others who have.
I worry about my girls when they get out of work late.
yes plenty of times in my life
I sure have. Several times. It is kind of scarry. Thank you so much for sharing this
Only when I was a child but never as an adult. I am thankful for that.
I have not been in suck a situation.
Thankfully I have never been in a situation.
No, thankfully not.
Thankfully I have not been in that kind of situation.
No thank God.
Thankfully I have never been in a situation where I had to defend myself.
no thankfuly that has not happened to me
Yes. Years ago, a friend and I were sitting at the table one night playing cards-She saw someone standing outside the sliding glass door staring in. We bolted into the bedroom and locked the door-the phone was in the living room. We had no defense. The person left, but it sure scared us!
Yes, everyday that I go walking with my dogs. I live in a rough neighborhood with bad people and lots of stray dogs that have attacked us.
When I was much younger I was suddenly in a position that I needed to protect myself. I am forever thankful my insticts came in handy that night. I would of appreciated a device that this at that time.
Yes often! I work at a university and sometimes late.
yes , most women I know wish for a device.
I’ve never been in such a situation.
This is a great devise, times are changing this is a great product
Yes, every bullying situation I had as a kid.
yes when i go on walks by my house
Yeah, over twenty years ago.
yes many years ago i was attacked. soon my daughter will go off to college and I want to give her every way of defending herself. Thanks for sharing this!
I am pretty cautious and pretty aware of my surroundings. But I am always willing to learn ways to stay alert and protect myself and others.
Thankfully not.
Yes. When I was out with girlfriends in the city and accosted by sketchy men.
No, thank goodness, I’ve never been in that situation before
Yes one time when I was younger.
I have- unfortunately I was a minor and was damaged –
Just every time I went on the subway in New York
No thankfully I have not been.
I have not been put in a situation like that before
Yes I have been in that situation before and it was not fun.
I haven’t been in a situation where I wished I had a better way to defend myself.
Follow Everyday Gizmos on Instagram i cant get them to work not found
Yes, I have been in situations I wish I had a better way to defend myself.
Yes, unfortunately, I have been in a situation like that.
No I haven’t been in that situation thankfully.
many times
Yes. We live next to a major interstate and a man pulled into our driveway asking for directions. I got an odd feeling and the hairs on the back of my neck went up. Luckily my son came out of the house and the man left.
Yes, I have been in a situation like that.
When I was a teen their were no such things as cell phones. I recall walking home from school once and having a car full of strange men slow down and yell vulgar things at me. The only defense I had was to hide my fear and tell them to get lost. Foryunately they were just classless idiots and not dangerous.
I’ve been in scary places where I wished I had a better way to defend myself if things went wrong
While I’ve ever been attacked, I quite often feel unsafe when out at night usually walking my dog
I haven’t ever been in a situation like that but my Mother has and needs something like this.
No I have not been in a situation like that and I am thankful for that.
Yes, sometimes when I’m in my work parking garage.
Yes!! I was sexually assaulted by a “friend” of mine and my husband’s that had become like a brother to us over the years. I had nothing to protect myself.
I can’t think of a situation off hand. However there have been times I would love to have had this. And to give my daughters.
I never had a bad situation