A Large Family’s Guide to Shoe Shopping!
My kids are growing like weeds and shoes are turning into my nemesis. Either they are outgrowing them, destroying them outside, losing them on the beach, or flat-out refusing to wear the “still good” ones because they “don’t like them anymore”. I’m not sure what a mom of seven is supposed to do with all this, but I’m spinning. While I don’t have it all figured out, I do have some tips for you — from one large family mommy to another — we just have to stay ahead of it! That’s the only way!
Sales & Clearance! I know it seems obvious, but sales are the way to go! I shop clearance stock and buy the cutest-cheapest things I can find. Sometimes that means I am buying shoes a size or two larger than what my kids are wearing, but that’s the whole point. I buy whatever I can find for the size they are in, and/or a few sizes above, because you know when your kid tells you their shoes are too tight? They tell you when you are twenty minutes late for a school party, still haven’t ran by the grocery to grab drinks, and your mom friends are blowing up your phone wondering if you really left twenty minutes ago… like you said you did.
“Uh huh! I’m on my way! Just have to get gas…”
See, sales are worth it! Without them, you would either miss the party altogether or be the mom who sends her kid to play with shoes that are too small (you should know, both are where mom-guilt starts!)
Who has the sales?
Back in August I found a great coupon to Famous Footwear, so I grabbed my girls and ran off for the afternoon to see what we could find. I was so proud when I strolled back into the house (like the boss I am) with an amazing deal — three pairs of shoes for my preschoolers for less than $14!
Yes, you read that right!
Three pairs of shoes for $14 total (not each)!

And no, they aren’t the light as air water shoes either! Two pair of character light-up sneakers (shown above) and Spider-man flip flops (not shown)!
What is really amazing is I can walk into almost any Famous Footwear store and find great deals like this! They even offer clearance online too!
I’ve never shopped at Famous Footwear. I need to check it out. The prices and styles look great from your photos. I need to get those Minnie Mouse shoes for my youngest daughter who want everything Minnie Mouse.