Enter To Win TechDen (APV $229)! US Only, Ends 6/30
At least three times this week I have threatened to lock my children’s tablets in the safe because they wouldn’t leave their tablets alone during their scheduled downtime. A few more times I walked away disgusted because the charging cords were everywhere and driving me batty. AND the fights over who has what charger and who stole who’s cord has made me want to bang my head against the wall. It’s madness y’all! M-A-D-N-E-S-S! There has to be a solution for all of this chaos. Something that will stop the cord fight, the cord chaos, AND the parent/child fights over screen time! That’s exactly what the creator of TechDen was thinking when The Den was thought of!
About The Den + The App:
Out of sight = Out of Mind! The Den is an elegant and intelligent solution to a number of parental frustrations. The Den charges and stores up to two iOS or Android devices, keeping all of those cords away and out of sight. It establishes a new mindset of unavailability and gives our devices a home of their own so your kids have a clear understanding that when it is time to set handheld devices aside, they are truly to be left alone!
The app provides notifications and helps you set limits for multiple devices. Kids see schedules, receive notifications about their schedule, can request more time, and see progress toward goals.
My favorite features: The TechDen app pairs with The Den to create schedules, remotely lock and unlock the doors of The Den, AND receive notifications about device removal and time usage!
Learn more about how TechDen works—->HERE.

The Den by TechDen (APV $229)
The giveaway is open US Only, 18+
The giveaway ends 6/30 at 1159 pm est
Be sure to come back daily for more chances to win.
Mommy’s Playbook Giveaway Rules: This giveaway is Sponsored by TechDen and hosted by Mommy’s Playbook. Victoria and/or Mommy’s Playbook, Participating bloggers, are not responsible for prize fulfillment. By entering this giveaway you are giving the giveaway host and/or event sponsor permission to retain your email address for future communication, you may choose to opt-out of such communications at any time. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by any social media outlet including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please contact Victoria (at) MommysPlaybook.com regarding any questions you have pertaining to this giveaway.
I limit time online each day and have parent protection on sites
My daughter is still a toddler so I control her little kids tablet by disabling content for older kids and adults. I also only let her use it sometimes.
My kids are grown so there is no more threatening to take away screen time!
We have a 2 for 1 deal in our house. You play outside for an hour and can have 2 hours of her phone. We trust her with it in her room, BUT, if we catch her using it to watch tv or talk, etc. after bedtime on school nights, she loses it for 24 hours.
I don’t have kids so I don’t but I think that my brother and his family does. I would gift to them.
omg the last threat i made was no minecraft on your phones if you dont stop fighting!!
My kids hate it when i threaten to take away their tablets but they do understand its not good to always be online and to spend some time reading books and playing outside
To limit screen time for my niece, we tell her it’s time to go play outside.
I don’t have to control time I live alone
I just turn it off
They only get an hour a day, unless the weather is nasty.
No kids so this is not an issue for me!
my kids get a hour a day on the player iif they are good
My last threat about screen time was my son put the smartphone away or I’d take it away for an hour for each time if I had to repeat the comment.
I am not good about controlling screen time at all. Tech Den would really help me with this.
my oldest is only 3.5 so its still pretty easy to control how and when she uses her tablet, we let her know that her tablet is only for car and train rides.
I control screen time by putting devices away before bed.
I am not good about controlling screen time at all. Tech Den would really help me with this.
We try our best to set daily limits on their screen time or make them earn it.
I don’t have kids at home but I have family that could really use this. Monitoring the online use of kids is so important today. They spend too much time staring at screens.
I don’t really have a way. I just say it’s time to go play.
I take electronics away when they have had enough.
i control screen time by taking devices of them and encouraging them to go out and play or read
I would give it to my Daughter, everytime I go to her house there is an argument about not using their phones. She has to put them up high so they can’t climb up to get them. The bad thing she said sometimes she forgets where they are and spends more time trying to trace her steps.
i tell my daughter she has to match her reading time with her screen time
I have to have a timer and chart for my sons screen time
It’s a fight!
i limit usage to 3 hrs daily after chores home work are done.and i have parent protection aps